;***************************************************************************************************************** ; Language file for SendMail v3.2.2 ;***************************************************************************************************************** ; What there is to know : ; - Lines starting with the sign ';' are comments ; - Even though everything looks cluttered, the file is organized by window ; - Only the part located to the right of the '=' sign must be translated ; - The '&' sign can be used to specify the shortcut key ; - For long messages, the '§' sign can be used to replace a carriage return ; - The '%v' present in certain texts are values inserted at the time of display, do not delete them ; - Do not delete or translate the '[Traduction]' line ; - That's all for the moment ! ;***************************************************************************************************************** [Traduction] CodeLangue=9 ;TraductionIncomplète=The file of selected language is incomplete. You can contribute to the finalization of its translation and send it to the author of this software so that other users can benefit. Thank you in advance! ;***************************************************************************************************************** ;Eléments communs ;***************************************************************************************************************** btnOk=&OK btnAnnuler=Ca&ncel ;***************************************************************************************************************** ;Fenêtre principale ;***************************************************************************************************************** lblExpéditeur=Sender lblDestinataires(0)=To lblDestinataires(1)=Cc lblDestinataires(2)=Bcc lblRéponse=Answer to lblRéponseInfo=Leave blank if same as sender lblObjetMessage=Object lblCorpsMessage=Body lblFormat=Format lblEncodage=Encoding lblImportance=Importance lblSensibilité=Sensibility lblConfigSMTP=SMTP config. lblFichiersJoints=Attachment(s) btnAjouter=&Add... btnSupprimer=&Remove fraOptions=Options lblNotification=Notification btnRAZ=&Clear btnEnvoyer=&Send btnQuitter=&Quit ; menus et items mnuFichier=&File mnuFichierQuitter={btnQuitter} mnuOptions=&Options mnuOptionsMémoriserPosition=Remember window &position mnuOptionsMémoriserTaille=Remember window &size mnuOptionsMinimiserSystray=Mi&nimize in systray mnuOptionsToujoursAuDessus=Window always on &top mnuOptionsConfiguration=&Configuration... mnuAide=&? mnuAideAProposDe=&About SendMail... mnuSystrayRestaurer=&Restore window mnuSystrayAnnuler={btnAnnuler} ; Textes & messages TXT_FORMAT_TEXTE=Text only TXT_FORMAT_MIXTE=Text and HTML TXT_FORMAT_HTML=HTML only TXT_NOTIFICATION_AUCUNE=None TXT_NOTIFICATION_AR=Delivery notification TXT_NOTIFICATION_AL=Read notification TXT_NOTIFICATION_ARL=Delivery and read notification TXT_IMPORTANCE_NORMALE=Regular TXT_IMPORTANCE_FAIBLE=Low TXT_IMPORTANCE_HAUTE=High TXT_SENSIBILITE_NORMALE=Regular TXT_SENSIBILITE_PERSONNELLE=Personal TXT_SENSIBILITE_PRIVEE=Private TXT_SENSIBILITE_CONFIDENTIELLE=Confidential TXT_REPORTING_SENDMAIL=SendMail software notification... TXT_FERMETURE_OUTIL=Software will be closed. TXT_ABANDON_ENVOI=Sending will be canceled. TXT_CHARGER_FICHIER=Load a file... TXT_JOINDRE_FICHIER=Join a file... TXT_TOUS_FICHIERS=All files TXT_POPUP_AJOUTER_FIC_DESTINATAIRES=<&Add a file of recipients...> TXT_POPUP_EFFACER= TXT_SEPARATEUR_INFO=Recipients must be separated by a comma. MSG_ERREUR_ACCES_AD=Unable to access to ActiveDirectory... MSG_CONFIGURER_ACCES_AD=Would you change the configuration of access to the ActiveDirectory of this software? MSG_ERREUR_RECHERCHE_ROOT_AD=Unable to determine root domain of ActiveDirectory... MSG_ERREUR_EXPEDITEUR=The field SENDER must be set and contain a fully qualified address (including the '@' character followed by a domain name)... §§Examples:§ • me@fake.com§ • do not reply MSG_ERREUR_DESTINATAIRE=You must specify at least one recipient... MSG_ERREUR_OBJET=The field OBJECT has not been set... MSG_ERREUR_CORPS=The field BODY has not been set... MSG_ERREUR_GROUPE_INTROUVABLE=The group '%v' is unknown was not found in the ActiveDirectory... It will be ignored. MSG_ERREUR_RECUP_MEMBRES=Unable to connect to ActiveDirectory to retrieve the list of members of the '%v' group... MSG_ERREUR_RECUP_MEMBRES2=An error (v%) occurred during retrieving the list of members of the '%v' group... MSG_ERREUR_FICHIER_DEST_INTROUVABLE=The recipients file '%v' was not found... It will be ignored. MSG_ERREUR_FICHIER_DEST=An error (v%) occurred during retrieving the list of members of the '%v' file... MSG_ERREUR_PIECE_JOINTE_INTROUVABLE=The file to join '%v' was not found... MSG_ERREUR_AUCUN_DESTINATAIRE=No recipients whom send the message to... MSG_ERREUR_ENVOI=The sending ended abnormally : MSG_SUCCES_ENVOI=The message '%v' has been sent to %v recipient(s) in %v sending(s)... MSG_ERREUR=An error (%v) occured during treatment :§§%v§§Please contact the software's developers if the problem persists... MSG_ERREUR_CREATION_OBJET=Impossible to create SMTP object... MSG_ERREUR_INITIALISATION=An error (%v) occured during application initialization:§§%v§§Please contact the software's developers if the problem persists... MSG_ERREUR=An error (%v) occured during treatment :§§%v§§Please contact the software's developers if the problem persists... ;***************************************************************************************************************** ;Boite de dialogue 'Configuration' ;***************************************************************************************************************** frmConfiguration=Configuration tabOnglets(1)=&General lblLangue=Language lblRequiertRedémarrage=(software requires to restart) fraSMTP=SMTP configurations btnSMTPAjouter=&Add... btnSMTPModifier=&Modify... btnSMTPSupprimer=&Remove btnSMTPMonter=&Up btnSMTPDescendre=&Down tabOnglets(2)=D&efault parameters lblExpéditeurParDéfaut={lblExpéditeur} lblRéponseParDéfaut={lblRéponse} lblFormatParDéfaut={lblFormat} lblEncodageParDéfaut={lblEncodage} lblImportanceParDéfaut={lblImportance} lblSensibilitéParDéfaut={lblSensibilité} lblNotificationParDéfaut={lblNotification} fraDestinatairesParDéfaut=Recipient lblDestinatairesParDéfaut=Recipient(s) lblGroupesParDéfaut=Group(s) lblFichiersDestinatairesParDéfaut=File(s) lblSéparateurInfo2=Separated by a comma tabOnglets(3)=&Sending parameters lblSuffixe=Suffix lblSuffixeInfo=(to add to addresses without @...) fraDestinatairesParEnvoi={fraDestinatairesParDéfaut} lblNombreDestinatairesMaxi=Max number of recipients (all types) by sending lblRépartitionDestinataires=If the total number of recipients (all types) of a mail exceeds the maximum defined by sending: optRépartitionDestinataires(0)=Distribute recipients of various types fairly by optimizing the number of items optRépartitionDestinataires(1)=Treat each type of recipients in separate sendings lblTimeoutSMTP=Timeout when sending messages tabOnglets(4)=A&ctiveDirectory access chkUtiliserAD=Enable the &research of groups in ActiveDirectory optAccèsAD(0)=The computer is in the domain and I want to use the login account optAccèsAD(1)=The computer is in the domain but I want to use another account that I used to log in optAccèsAD(2)=The computer is not in the domain lblAccèsADDomaine=Domain lblAccèsADDomaineInfo=(possibly name or IP address of a controller) lblAccèsADLogin=Login lblAccèsADLoginInfo=(possibly domain\login or login@domain) lblAccèsADPassword=Password lblRequiertRedémarrage2={lblRequiertRedémarrage} ; Textes & messages TXT_AUTHENTIFICATION_AUCUNE=None TXT_AUTHENTIFICATION_LOGIN=Login TXT_AUTHENTIFICATION_PLAIN=Plain TXT_AUTHENTIFICATION_POP3=Pop3 MSG_ERREUR_CONF_SUFFIXE=The field SUFFIX must be set... MSG_ERREUR_CONF_NBDEST=The field MAX NUMBER OF RECIPIENTS must contain an integer numeric value greater than 1... MSG_ERREUR_CONF_TIMEOUT=The field TIMEOUT must contain an integer numeric value between 1 and 60... MSG_ERREUR_CONF_SMTP=At least one SMTP configuration must be set... MSG_ERREUR_CONF_AD_DOMAINE=The field DOMAIN must be set... MSG_ERREUR_CONF_AD_LOGIN=The field LOGIN must be set... MSG_CHANGEMENT_LANGUE=Language will be changed when software is restarted. ;***************************************************************************************************************** ;Boite de dialogue 'Configuration SMTP' ;***************************************************************************************************************** frmConfigurationSMTP=SMTP configuration lblNom=Name lblServeur=Server lblSSL=Use SSL lblPort=Port (25 by default) lblAuthentification=Authentication lblUsername=Username lblPassword=Password lblServeurPOP=POP server btnTester=Test... ; Textes & messages TXT_COL_SSL=SSL MSG_ERREUR_CONF_SMTP_SERVEUR=The field SMTP SERVER must be set... MSG_ERREUR_CONF_SMTP_PORT=The field PORT must contain a numeric integer value between 0 and 65535... MSG_ERREUR_CONF_SMTP_USERNAME=The field USERNAME must be filled when this authentication mode is selected... MSG_ERREUR_CONF_SMTP_PASSWORD=The field PASSWORD must be filled when this authentication mode is selected... MSG_ERREUR_CONF_SMTP_SERVEUR_POP=The field POP SERVER must be filled when this authentication mode is selected... MSG_TEST_SMTP_OK=Message successfuly sent... MSG_TEST_SMTP_ERREUR=The sending ended abnormally (status: %v)... §§Please check the settings with your administrator. ;***************************************************************************************************************** ;Boite de dialogue 'Test configuration SMTP' ;***************************************************************************************************************** frmConfigurationSMTPTest=SMTP configuration test lblDestinataire=Recipient lblObjet=Object lblMessage=Message ; Textes & messages TXT_TEST_SMTP_OBJET=[SendMail] SMTP configuration test... TXT_TEST_SMTP_MESSAGE=Test! Do not reply to this message! ;***************************************************************************************************************** ;Boite de dialogue 'A propos de...' ;***************************************************************************************************************** frmApropos=About SendMail lblTraduitPar=Translated by Damien... and Google! This tool is designed to send messages independently, ie without using a messaging client (such as Thunderbird or Outlook, for example). It can also be used in "windowed" than in "command line" mode (called by third party software or script). Commandline syntax : sendmail [/conf] [/a] [/cc] [/cci] /o (/ct | /ctf) (/ch | chf) [/pj] [/en] [/ar | /al | /arl] [/nde] [/de] [/rep] [/@] [/iep] [/r] [/l] Parameters : /conf:NameOfSmtpConf /a:Recipient, fic:RecipientsFile, grp:Group (recipients "to") /cc:Recipient, fic:RecipientsFile, grp:Group (recipients "copy") /cci:Recipient, fic:RecipientsFile, grp:Group (recipients "hidden copy") /o:MessageObject /ct:MessageBody (text format) /ctf:MessageBodyFile (text format) /ch:MessageBody (html format) /chf:MessageBodyFile (html format) /pj:Attachment1, Attachment2 ... AttachmentN /en:Encoding (charset) /ar (request for acknowledgment of recept) /al (request for acknowledgment of read) /arl (request for acknowledgment of receipt and reading) /nde:NumberOfRecipentsBySending /de:Sender /rep:ResponseAddress /@:DefaultRecipientsAddressSuffix /iep (ignore attachments errors, to use with /l or /r to avoid warnings) /r (reporting errors by mail to the sender) /l[:PathOrFilenameOfLog] (this option removes the popup window displayed after sending by writing actions and errors in the log file specified or, failing that, the SendMail.log file from the executable path) Examples : sendmail /conf:"google" /a:"grp:admins" /o:"Time change" /ctf:"c:\temp\info.txt" /en:"utf-8" /ar /l sendmail /a:"ll213707, cp219639" /cci:"dp203462" /o:"Log..." /ct:"See attachments" /pj:file.log /iep /l sendmail /a:"fh98307, fic:admins.lst" /cc:"fic:resp.lst" /o:"For information..." /chf:"c:\temp\info02.html" For information, this software uses the OstroSoft's freeware SMTPComponent (http://www.ostrosoft.com) ;***************************************************************************************************************** ;Mode ligne de commande ;***************************************************************************************************************** MSG_ERREUR_CMD_CONF=The parameter /conf has been specified but the name that accompanies it was not found in the list of SMTP configurations declared in the application... MSG_ERREUR_CMD_DST_MANQUANT=The parameter '%v' has been invoked but no value accompanies... MSG_ERREUR_CMD_GRP_SANS_AD=Sending mail to groups is impossible when access to the ActiveDirectory is disabled... MSG_ERREUR_CMD_CORPS=The command line can not contain multiple parameters %v or %v... MSG_ERREUR_CMD_CORPS_FIC_INTROUVABLE=The file containing the message body ('%v') is not found... MSG_ERREUR_CMD_NBDEST=The parameter /n must contain the number of recipients per email, represented by a numeric value greater than zero... MSG_ERREUR_CMD_DESTINATAIRE_MANQUANT=No parameter indicating the list of recipients was detected... MSG_ERREUR_CMD_CORPS_MANQUANT=No parameter indicating the message body (/ct:, /ctf:, /ch: or /chf :) was detected... MSG_ERREUR_CMD_OBJET_MANQUANT=The parameter containing the message subject (/o:) is missing... MSG_ERREUR_CMD_PARAM_INCONNU=The parameter '%v' is unknown...